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Why are we so sensitive to bad odours?

Although our sense of smell is much less developed than animals, it remains very sensitive, especially to bad odours! Sensory receptors in your nose are directly linked to the part of your brain that is responsible for emotion and memory and when you smell a bad smell you automatically want to avoid it.  This is because the bad odour perception...

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Eucalyptus is King

Did you know that Eucalyptus essential oil has been used for centuries as an antifungal and antibacterial agent in indigenous Australian medicine? The power of Eucalyptus trees lies in its aromatic compound called Cineole (Eucalyptol) which is packed into the oil glands of its leaves and bark.  This compound produces the distinct penetrating...

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How does your nose know so much?

Identifying the sweet smell of a rose, the strong aroma of coffee or the smell of freshly baked bread is a complicated process that is often underappreciated compared to your other senses. Millions of sensory neurons in the back of your nose are responsible for your sense of smell. The tips of these sensory cells contain proteins called receptors...

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Why is your power of smell so fascinating

We can identify as many as 10 000 different smells ranging from freshly baked bread to roast chicken to freshly mowed grass, and although we do not depend on the sense of smell to survive, it is the most sensitive of our senses. Your sense of smell is directly linked to the area in your brain responsible for memory and emotion and different aromas...

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How nature provides

Essential oils and natural remedies derived from plants and trees have for thousands of years been used to heal, improve health and promote a sense of well-being. Nature’s blueprint, of using airflow, evaporation, water filtration and the earth’s aromas to naturally revitalise the air we breathe, provided the concept for this air-revitalising system. The...

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