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WELCOME TO FABULOUS AIRE™ … WHERE THE AIR IS LIGHT AND FRESH! Breathe Better, Sleep Better and Feel Better!

Laboratory Test Results - Fabulous Aire™ Revitalisers.

TheFabulous Aire™ System has been tested in the Chemvi Laboratories, Singapore, to establish the efficiency of this product in removing bacteria, dust, viruses, nicotine, poisonous carbon monoxide and other volatile organic chemicals from the air in a normal living or working environment.

The test method is based on those used by the US National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. Tests were conducted over a 48-hour period.

The test results were as follows:






NIOSH 0600

0 hours


5 minutes


1 hours


2 hours



Air sampling

0 hours

420 cfu

5 minutes

420 cfu

1 hours

210 cfu

2 hours

76 cfu


NIOSH 1500

0 hours

7.5 ppm

5 minutes

7.5 ppm

1 hours

1.0 ppm

2 hours

ND (<0.1) ppm

The test results verified that the Fabulous AireTM System possesses excellent absorption properties for removing the harmful substances listed above.

Dust Concentration
Bacteria Count
VOC's Concentration
These laboratory tests have confirmed that the Fabulous Aire™ System reduces:
  • Volatile organic chemicals (smoke etc.) by 99% in 2 hours;
  • Dust and pollen by 78% in 2 hours; and
  • Airborne bacteria, fungi and viruses by 82% in 2 hours.

Fabulous Aire

What our customers say …

Adri Labuschagne (Pretoria)

“We were at a Hotel in Umhlanga for the holiday and both rooms we were checked into really smelt BAD, but once they brought the “Fabulous Aire™ Revitaliser” the smells disappeared! After we got back, I could not forget how nice it smelled and contacted them to get the exact details of the products. We have since been using it in our home and now it smells awesome (not that it smelt bad before)! We would definitely recommend Fabulous Aire™ to anyone, especially if you have odours that won’t go away!”

Ben Klopper (Secunda)

"We purchased our first Fabulous Aire™ system in 2010. The first benefit that we experienced was a dramatic reduction in sinus related headaches and respiratory infections. The air in our home smells great since and visitors to our home frequently comment on this."

Marietjie Janse van Rensburg (Potchefstroom)

"Ek gebruik my Fabulous Aire™ al vir 3 jaar en het altyd chroniese brongitis gekry. Vandat ek dit gebruik het ek nog nie een jaar weer siek geword nie. My longe funksioneer baie beter en ek voel altyd baie goed."

Jenevieve Swartz (Windhoek)

"I have been suffering with sinuses for as long as I can remember and I can honestly say that the use of Fabulous Aire™ significantly reduced my symptoms and it also leaves the room smelling fresh, clean and free of dust."

Keri-Lee van Zyl – Greyton SA

"I have been using your products for years and truly believe in their efficacy. I am a Reflexologist living in Greyton and I would love to stock your products in my therapy room. Because we are a farming community, allergies are a problem."